Colour Houses
Creating Houses aims to build a sense of community, responsibility, belonging, and spirit in our school.
All students and staff will participate. Every month, our Gr. 6 Student Council representatives guide us through activities and events to foster healthy, respectful experiences.
February 7th.
This month’s theme is “School Love”, and students will take part in two fun activities to celebrate what makes RCE special!
Thumbprint Heart Tags: Students will use an ink pad to create a heart with their fingerprints on a tag. Underneath, they’ll write something they love about RCE—like “the smiling faces in the hallways” or “fun learning adventures”!
Cupid Arrow Toss: In small groups, one player will hold a “Cupid’s Heart”, while others take turns tossing a Q-Tip Cupid’s Arrow through the center. Everyone will get a chance to throw and hold the heart!
December 6th.
“Power of Yet.” Inspired by the wonderful book The Magical Yet by Angela DiTerlizzi, we’ll be creating a school wish tree that will hold our community’s aspirations for the upcoming year. Our goal was to emphasize how setting realistic and meaningful goals can help us grow. Encouraging students to think about “wishes” that are school-appropriate, achievable, and aimed at enhancing their skills.
Begin by watching the read-aloud of The Magical Yet here.
Wish Cards: Each student will create a wish card by either writing or drawing something they currently cannot do but aspire to accomplish in 2025. Once all the wishes are collected, we will be hanging them on the tree in front of the Learning Commons.