Whiskers Weekly January 24, 2025
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The students had an absolute blast and thoroughly enjoyed learning swimming skills. We are so grateful that our students were provided with this amazing opportunity!
Hot Lunch Orders will close on Sunday, January 26th, 2025 for orders February 6th to April 3rd, 2025. Please contact Melissa Scarlett with any questions missyscarlett@gmail.com.
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Hello Rainbow Creek Families!
A special note of thanks to all our parent/guardian volunteers for generously giving of their time to help with supervising swimming lessons for our grade 3-5 students and the fun swim for grade 6 students and a big shoutout as well to our School Council for generously covering the bus costs, ensuring this program could run smoothly.
Grade One Telus Spark Field Trip – January 27th, 2025.
We want to extend a very special thank you to Candis Legacy for her incredible hard work and dedication in organizing swimming for our Grade 3, 4, and 5 students. Candis, your efforts have made such a positive impact—this wouldn’t have been possible without you! Your involvement made such a difference and helped make this experience unforgettable.
To our own Ms. Vo who volunteered her time to help with the swim and bus schedule and sharing her knowledge and experience in organizing an event such as this. You always do what is best for our students. Thank you!
We also want to thank Ms. Grieg, Ms. Mackey, and Mrs. Armstrong for helping with the schedule, booking buses, and helping with the paperwork. We could not have managed all of this without you.
The students had an absolute blast and thoroughly enjoyed learning swimming skills. We are so grateful that our students were provided with this amazing opportunity.
School Council Meeting – January 28th at 6 pm. To join virtually, please use the following Zoom link: https://rockyview.zoom.us/j/96067616431
Meeting ID: 960 6761 6431 Passcode: 013536
Grade Five Junior Achievement – January 29th, 2025.
Twin/Triplet Day – January 30th, 2025. (note date change) This is a fun day where students (and staff) can dress like each other! It could be same socks, same jersey, same shirt, Whiskers Wear, same clothing, or even rocking a same hairdo!
Freezie Friday! Each student will be allowed to purchase a maximum of 2 freezies at 25 cents each (50 cents total). Please remember to send your quarters every Friday to support this school fundraiser!
Looking Ahead….
Kindergarten Registration opens Monday, February 3rd, 2025. Children must turn 5 years of age by December 31, 2025, to attend Kindergarten in the 2025/2026 school year.