Whiskers Weekly - February 28, 2025
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March 3 - Grade 3 to TELUS Spark
March 5 - Grade 1 Vaccinations
March 6 - Colour House Day
March 10 - PL Day No School
March 19 & 20 - PT Interviews Grades 1-6
March 21 - PT Interviews Kindergarten (No School for Kindergarten)
Hello Rainbow Creek Families!
Welcome to the last day of February. Depending on the prognosticator you follow, it could be an early spring or six more weeks of winter! Let’s hope for sunshine, blossoms and green grass for this beautiful weather to continue.
We hope you had a wonderful break with your families and look forward to the many opportunities that our students are pursuing (crochet club, book club, dance club, and basketball) as the calendar turns to March.
Helping Our Students Observe Ramadan
We will have our Learning Commons available to those students observing Ramadan so that they can have a quiet and reflective space, that is away from food and drink during the regular snack and lunch times.
Requirements for Field Trips
Just a reminder to parents that payment must be received as well as the Informed Consent form filled out prior to the day of the field trip. Without these completed, your child will not be able to participate. All payments and forms are found on School Cash Online.
Volunteers for Field Trips - There will be an additional Informed Consent form attached to your child's School Cash Online with no charge that must be completed prior to the field trip. There is a form for each field trip. This is in addition to a valid RCMP check and annual forms. We appreciate you volunteering your time; our field trips could not happen without you!
Spring is here!
It is very wet and muddy outside on the playground. Please be sure to pack extra clothes for your children, just in case.
Calling All Recorder Players - Earn Your FREE Hot Cross Bun!
On March 1st, @COBSBread is celebrating Hot Cross Bun Day! It’s time to grab your recorder and show off your skills to earn a free hot cross bun!
Mrs. Werner is excited to encourage all our recorder players to participate! Be sure to send her any videos and pictures if you take part in the fun. Quantities are limited and available while supplies last at each COBS bakery.
Important information for March below!
Student Led Conferences - Wednesday, Mar. 19th and Thursday, Mar. 20th 4:00 - 7:00pm
Student Led for K - Gr. 6 - 3 families per time slot, 15 minutes in length.
Please NOTE: Gr. 1 Dilello will be offering 3 Way Conferences during the same time.
Kindergarten is offering additional time slots on Friday, Mar. 21st from 8:30am - 12:30pm.
March 19 & 20 - PT Interviews Grades 1-6
March 5 - Grade 1 Vaccinations
March 6 - Colour House Day
March 10 - PL Day No School
March 19 & 20 - PT Interviews Grades 1-6
March 21 - PT Interviews Kindergarten (No School for Kindergarten)
March 25 - School Council
March 31 - PL Day No School Kindness Matters at RCE