Whiskers Weekly - January 31, 2025
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Colour House Day – Feb. 7
Throwback Day – February 10
Grade 3 Clay for Kids – February 11
Red/Pink/White Day – February 14
No School for staff and Students – February 17-19
No School for Students – Teachers’ Convention – February 20 & 21
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Hello Rainbow Creek Families!
As we say goodbye to January and hello to February, please be reminded that the freeze and thaw conditions continue to present challenges for our learning community outside. We want to remind students to dress for slushy conditions and dress accordingly and to be careful on the playground and field when it is icy and slippery.
We wish all our families a safe and relaxing February break coming in the next few weeks and ask that you take note of the specific dates below.
Volunteers Needed! We have a large amount of sight words that we need cut apart, hole-punched and put onto rings. This could be an at-school job to use the paper cutters, or if you are willing to take some home to cut apart with scissors, we will happily send them!
If you are able to help, please email Mrs. Napier at rnapier@rockyview.ab.ca and she will connect you with the materials.
Kindergarten Registration opens Monday, February 3rd, 2025. Children must turn 5 years of age by December 31, 2025, to attend Kindergarten in the 2025/2026 school year.
Gr. 5 Jack Singer Field Trip – Feb. 7
Thinking Ahead….
Throwback Day – February 10
Grade 3 Clay for Kids– February 11
Red/Pink/White Day – February 14
No School for staff and Students – February 17-19
No School for Students – Teachers’ Convention – February 20 & 21