Whiskers Weekly - February 14, 2025
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Student Led Conferences - Wednesday, Mar. 19th and Thursday, Mar. 20th 4:00 - 7:00pm
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Hello Rainbow Creek Families!
Wishing all our families a safe and relaxing February break. The weather is set to improve so hopefully you find time to get outdoors, breathe in some fresh air, and participate in a few fun activities.
When we return, grade 6 basketball practices will begin.
Grade 6 Basketball – Girls Monday/Wednesday and Boys Tuesday/Thursday
We also look forward to inviting our families in for Student Led Conferences later in March.
February 17-19 - No School for Staff and Students
February 20 & 21 - No School for Students – Teachers’ Convention
February 25 - Gr. 5H & 5B - Journey 2050 Field Trip
February 26 - Pink Shirt Day
Looking Ahead:
Please see important letter regarding Gr. 6 PATs [/rockyview/emailattachment.php?id=28265&caid=41179&name=Grade 6 PATs Letter.pdf]Gr. 6 PATs
Sight Words Volunteers!
Thank you so much to those who have taken a bag of words to cut apart and put on rings. We are still in need of help cutting sight words! If you are willing to help, please email rnapier@rockyview.ab.ca or pop by the office and we will get you set up!