Whiskers Weekly, February 7, 2025
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Please review the email sent from RVS on Jan. 23 and visit the Changes to Chestermere for 2025/26 web
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Hello Rainbow Creek Families!
We are so happy to welcome our parents into our building and we look forward to continuing to build positive relationships between school and home. We would just like to remind parents that if you are dropping your child off at their designated door and you need to come into the school to ask questions or schedule a meeting, you are reminded that you must enter through the main doors and check in at the office. We want to make sure we keep all of our students and staff safe and we appreciate your cooperation with this.
Important Dates in February
Throwback Day – February 10
Grade 3 Clay for Kids – February 11
Red/Pink/White Day – February 14
No School for Staff and Students – February 17-19
No School for Students – Teachers’ Convention – February 20 & 21
Looking Ahead
Parent/Teacher Interviews - March
Important Changes to RVS Schools in Chestermere
In September 2025 several changes will take place at RVS schools in Chestermere to support ongoing enrolment growth and maximize learning spaces. This includes a grade configuration change for East Lake School and attendance boundary changes for several communities. It is important for families to understand how these changes may affect their families.
Please review the email sent from RVS on Jan. 23 and visit the Changes to Chestermere for 2025/26 web
If your student has been impacted by these changes, their enrolment will automatically be transferred to their newly designated school for 2025/26.
Our "table of changes by community "also details the changes for each neighbourhood.
Real-time tracking with new bus app
RVS is excited to be transitioning to a new tool, WheresTheBus, to provide parents/guardians and schools with timely arrival and location information for our fleet of contracted buses. WheresTheBus is free, secure and easy to use. This tool uses GPS and tablets installed on school buses to track and report the real-time location of the bus and estimated arrival times, allowing you to check where the bus is and see when the bus arrives at your child’s stop and at school. It is free and you may opt-out of the program at any time.
Please note, due to bus shortages and route substitutions, there may be occasions where tracking on your bus is not up-to-date. RVS is working with our contractors to ensure the accuracy of our WheresTheBus data.
WheresTheBus will replace the current Bus Status App, which will no longer be available effective March 6, 2025.
To create your account, you will need your student’s PowerSchool number, which can be found on PowerSchool or by contacting your school. More information about WheresTheBus including how to create your account, use the app and frequently asked questions is available on the RVS website.
For assistance with WheresTheBus, please submit a ticket through the RVS Transportation Portal.